Anjuman Raha

About Me

I am currently an Electrical and Computer Engineering UCSD student with a focus in Embedded Systems and Computer Systems Design. I am a dedicated and innovative engineer with related education, practicum, and experience to contribute to long-range operational objectives in an Engineering Internship role.

  • Key Strengths: Excel at interfacing with engineers and management. Able to convey complex technologies to a variety of skill levels. Talent for quickly learning new information, procedures, and tools. Exceptionally organized and able to multitask.
  • Multidisciplinary Solutions: Proven knowledge and experience in developing Electrical, Software, and Mechatronic solutions. Hands-on experience with keen understanding of various technology and tools.
  • Performance Driven: Track record of commended performance throughout employment & concurrent with schooling. Fast learner committed to delivering excellent quality and exceeding goals.



Sensor Systems Hardware Intern
09/2020 – 12/2020

Google Nest Sensor Team


Machine Learning Software Engineering Intern
06/2020 – 09/2020

Researched cutting-edge topics related to AI/ML and developed software frameworks for engineers to quickly prototype & experiment with these topics in order create production level solutions.

  • Researched and prototyped with Deep Learning libraries in order to determine the production level feasibility of a future privacy related ML product
  • Developed framework with these libraries, PyTorch, & TensorFlow that facilitates simulations for future prototyping, development & experimentation
  • Evaluated and compared these libraries based on specific comparison parameters related to Qualcomm's interests
  • Presented research & demoed framework in company-wide showcase
  • Member of software frameworks, tools, & integration team in Qualcomm AI Research Group


Project Team Lead
09/2017 – Present

Identified new technology and recommended best available solutions while working with Arduino, Bluetooth Low Energy, & IR Technology to create an autonomous vehicle.

  • Successfully competed in Micromouse Competition by building an autonomous maze-solving robot that involved PCB design & STM32 microcontollers.

DeGirum Corporation

Firmware Engineering Intern
06/2019 – 08/2019

Acquired and applied knowledge of current and emerging engineering practices, to include developing Linux device drivers for the Xilinx architecture.

  • Semiconductor startup company currently in stealth
  • Successfully configured, built, and implemented an embedded PetaLinux operating system onto Xilinx MP-SoC containing ARM Cortex-A53.
  • Created and delivered customizable device driver to interface with company’s AI IP core on the Xilinx board’s programmable logic.
  • Developed code with AI team to filter and parse multilingual text corpora with Python libraries such as Pandas & NumPy.

Triton Robosub

Electronics and Systems Engineer
09/2019 - 04/2020

    Implemented challenging concepts from ECE coursework for real-world applications such as an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV).

  • Creation of solution for hydrophone (underwater microphone) array on AUV which will be used to triangulate pingers for RoboSub competition.
  • Solution involves FPGA development with MicroZed FPGA, ADC, anti-aliasing filters, RC bandpass filters, and more.

Worldcare Technologies

Electrical Engineering Intern
04/2018 – 06/2019

Applied cutting-edge knowledge of progressive development strategies. Leveraged skill with leading innovative analysis and methodologies to develop and program hardware. Utilized ATmega microcontrollers, Raspberry Pi, and PCB design with Eagle CAD.

  • Startup (now defunct) based out of UCSD funded incubator, The Basement.
  • Developed on eletrical components for cost-effective bio-medical devices that quantify HIV virus in a blood sample.
  • Primarily partnered with bioengineers to design and manfacture a compact PCR thermocycler which amplified DNA segments.

FireKing Security Group

Software QA Intern
08/2018 – 09/2018

Utilized several data and information management systems; test data integrity with leading-edge quality assurance practices and developing various automated QA testers with Python and Selenium.

  • Formed and initiated automated testing tools that verified XML/JSON data from cash management using Python; designed Selenium scripts for testing FireKing web application.


Data Analysis on Global Warming

ECE 143: Data Science with Python

Data analysis to study global warming and its possible contributors, such as countries’ economic & trade successes, in order to estimate how long and how much would it take to achieve mitigation guidelines defined in the Paris Climate Agreement. The data visualizations depict further insights of our collected data. Implemented Python and libraries such as Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, and more.

Room Environment IoT

Project in a Box Club

Working on an IoT device that collects surrounding temperature, humidity, & ambient sound measurements and displays the data on a web application. Implementing Raspberry Pi, Python, JavaScript, and MongoDB to collect and present the data from IoT.

Key Skills

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